tsantsa- south-america - شعوب تقوم بتقليص جماجم قتلاهم
تقطع الراس ويفصل الجلد مع الشعر عن الجمجمة ,, تغلى بالماء لمدة نصف ساعة ثم تجفف ويوضع داخلها حصى حارة ورمل حار لاستخلاص الدهزن من الجلد من الداحر وتدلك باصابع من يقوم بعملية تقليص الراس ,, هذه العملية تكرر اكثر من مرة ليصبح بذلك الراس بربع حجمه الاساسي
بعدها يقوم صانع عملية التقليص بتخييط عيونالراس وتوضع عيدان خشبية في الشفاه وتخيط , اما الغاية من هذه العملية فهي ان لا تقود روح الضحية وتطالب بالانتقام ولذلك يفضل ان تكون مغلقة الفم وعمياء ولذلك يقوم بتخييطها
اليكم قصة بهذا الخصوص وبعض الصور :
The story of the jenglot, or the men with shrunken bodies in Indonesia, has become one of the country’s most popular legends. Unfortunately, the historical facts behind this tale have never been verified, and according to recent studies, the bodies of men with rather small body structures in the country have a scientific explanation, such as a genetic deformity. However, if you are looking for a more verified account of deformed human corpses due to ancient rituals, then you may want check out tsansa. Tsansa pertains to a male human corpse that has been discovered in the Amazon rainforest. Like the mythical jenglot, the tsansa has been discovered with a partial deformity, but this time in the cranial area. The skull of the corpse seems to have been mauled, thus its height became shorter, while its profile became longer According to the anthropological studies conducted on the discovered corpses, it has been found that the reason behind their shrunken heads is due to human practice, and not genetics. During the time when the different tribes in the Amazon jungle are fighting against each other, the captured warriors coming from enemy tribes undergo a rather gruesome post-execution process. This act of beheading captives and skinning their skulls for shrinking was common in the tribes of Shuar, Achuar, Huambisa, and Aguaruna. The bodies of the dead warriors are not immediately buried. Rather, their corpses are cleansed before they are disposed. The beheaded skulls of these warriors are first skinned, and then opened in order for the flesh of the brain removed. Once the skull is hollow, it will be filled with red beans and other spices that contain tannins. The size of the heads of these warriors will then be carefully reduced by slowly heating them in a pot of boiling water. The host tribe meanwhile conducts this process in the form of a celebration, to rejoice their victory over their enemies. According to Gila Kahila Bar-Gal of Discovery News, the reason why these warriors’ heads are boiled to shrink is for their spirits to be kept intact so they cannot seek revenge for their deaths. Another explanation for this ritual is for the spirits to be kept within the premises of the tribe who had them killed, as they are considered owned by the persons who have captured them (in a way they are perceived as slaves to the tribe who defeated them, the only difference being the fact that they are already dead). Based on historical research, the practice of head shrinking among Amazon tribesmen continued until the early 1920s. It was even reported that the shrunken tsansa heads are sold as novelty items in local markets, and these were purchased mostly by hoarders, who resold these as collectibles to foreigners particularly in Panama and Colombia. Because of the hype that grew immensely popular in South America, counterfeit tsansa heads became items of mass production. Until now, many featured tsansa heads in museums, homes and other establishments are found to be fake.

تقطع الراس ويفصل الجلد مع الشعر عن الجمجمة ,, تغلى بالماء لمدة نصف ساعة ثم تجفف ويوضع داخلها حصى حارة ورمل حار لاستخلاص الدهزن من الجلد من الداحر وتدلك باصابع من يقوم بعملية تقليص الراس ,, هذه العملية تكرر اكثر من مرة ليصبح بذلك الراس بربع حجمه الاساسي
بعدها يقوم صانع عملية التقليص بتخييط عيونالراس وتوضع عيدان خشبية في الشفاه وتخيط , اما الغاية من هذه العملية فهي ان لا تقود روح الضحية وتطالب بالانتقام ولذلك يفضل ان تكون مغلقة الفم وعمياء ولذلك يقوم بتخييطها
اليكم قصة بهذا الخصوص وبعض الصور :
The story of the jenglot, or the men with shrunken bodies in Indonesia, has become one of the country’s most popular legends. Unfortunately, the historical facts behind this tale have never been verified, and according to recent studies, the bodies of men with rather small body structures in the country have a scientific explanation, such as a genetic deformity. However, if you are looking for a more verified account of deformed human corpses due to ancient rituals, then you may want check out tsansa. Tsansa pertains to a male human corpse that has been discovered in the Amazon rainforest. Like the mythical jenglot, the tsansa has been discovered with a partial deformity, but this time in the cranial area. The skull of the corpse seems to have been mauled, thus its height became shorter, while its profile became longer According to the anthropological studies conducted on the discovered corpses, it has been found that the reason behind their shrunken heads is due to human practice, and not genetics. During the time when the different tribes in the Amazon jungle are fighting against each other, the captured warriors coming from enemy tribes undergo a rather gruesome post-execution process. This act of beheading captives and skinning their skulls for shrinking was common in the tribes of Shuar, Achuar, Huambisa, and Aguaruna. The bodies of the dead warriors are not immediately buried. Rather, their corpses are cleansed before they are disposed. The beheaded skulls of these warriors are first skinned, and then opened in order for the flesh of the brain removed. Once the skull is hollow, it will be filled with red beans and other spices that contain tannins. The size of the heads of these warriors will then be carefully reduced by slowly heating them in a pot of boiling water. The host tribe meanwhile conducts this process in the form of a celebration, to rejoice their victory over their enemies. According to Gila Kahila Bar-Gal of Discovery News, the reason why these warriors’ heads are boiled to shrink is for their spirits to be kept intact so they cannot seek revenge for their deaths. Another explanation for this ritual is for the spirits to be kept within the premises of the tribe who had them killed, as they are considered owned by the persons who have captured them (in a way they are perceived as slaves to the tribe who defeated them, the only difference being the fact that they are already dead). Based on historical research, the practice of head shrinking among Amazon tribesmen continued until the early 1920s. It was even reported that the shrunken tsansa heads are sold as novelty items in local markets, and these were purchased mostly by hoarders, who resold these as collectibles to foreigners particularly in Panama and Colombia. Because of the hype that grew immensely popular in South America, counterfeit tsansa heads became items of mass production. Until now, many featured tsansa heads in museums, homes and other establishments are found to be fake.